We will be providing service on Presidents’ Day - Monday, February 17, 2025 on a Saturday schedule. There will be bus and van service on this day. Routes 21–Andover Shuttle, 85- Lawrence Crosstown & 75-IRS/Raytheon will not run on this day. The main office will be closed on February 17, 2025

Route 1:
* Service from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
* Half hour service (on the hour and half past the hour) from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM departing both McGovern Station and Washington Sq.
* Hourly on the hour at all other times.

Routes 2, 3, 5, 8 and 18
* Hourly service on the hour from McGovern Station or Washington Sq- 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Routes 4 and 10:
* Hourly service, at quarter of the hour from McGovern Station - 6:45 AM to 5:45 PM.

Routes 6, 13 and 15
* Hourly service on the hour from McGovern Station or Washington Sq - 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Routes 7 and 9:
* Hourly service, at quarter past the hour from McGovern Station - 7:15 AM to 6:15 PM.

Route 14:
* Hourly service, on the hour, from both McGovern Station and Washington Sq- 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Route 16:
* Hourly service, on the half hour from Washington Sq - 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM.

Route 17:
* Hourly service, on the hour, from Washington Sq - 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
* Hourly service, 50 minutes past the hour, from Salisbury Beach - 7:50 AM to 6:50 PM.

Route 19:
* Hourly service, on the half hour, from Newburyport Station - 7:03 AM to 6:30 PM. Hourly service, 40 minutes past the hour, from Costello - 7:40 AM to 5:40 PM.

Route 20:
* Hourly service, at 10 minutes past the hour, from both Newburyport and Salisbury Beach - 7:10 AM to 7:10 PM.

Route 24:
* Hourly service, on the hour, from both McGovern Station and Lowell - 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

In the event that our bus routes are placed on snow detours, please see the details below.

* Route 3 Outbound: R-114 to North Andover Mall. (BYPASS HIGH STREET AND WOODRIDGE HOUSING).

* Route 4 Outbound: REGULAR ROUTING to Commonwealth Avenue and Marston Street, Straight on Ferry Street, resume REGULAR ROUTING. Depending on Road conditions: BYPASS Ferry Street and utilize
Marston to Merrimack Street. In the event that Ferry Street is unsafe for travel: R - Marston Street/Merrimack Street at the Commonwealth Avenue and resume REGULAR ROUTING.
Route 4 Inbound: REGULAR ROUTING to Ferry Street, Straight on Commonwealth Avenue resume REGULAR ROUTING. Depending on Road conditions: BYPASS Ferry Street and utilize Merrimack Street to
Marston Street. In the event that Ferry Street is unsafe for travel: L - Marston Street/Merrimack Street, L - Commonwealth Avenue and resume REGULAR ROUTING.

* Route 5 Outbound: On Branch Street, turn around on the Cul-de-sac at the bottom of the hill at Dana Farber Cancer Center. BUS WILL NOT DRIVE UP THE HILL.
Route 5 Inbound: REGULAR ROUTING from the bottom of the Cul- de -sac.

* Route 6 Outbound: From Hampshire Street, R-Arlington Street, L-Lawrence Street. Resume REGULAR ROUTING. At Holy Family Hospital, bear left after and then turn slight right (opposite the
Employee Parking Lot) turning into Holy Family Hospital rear EMERGENCY ROOM entrance to service the Hospital. In the event that Arlington Street is unsafe for travel: Utilize Park Street to
Lawrence Street and resume REGULAR ROUTING.
Route 6 Inbound: L- to exit the Holy Family Hospital at East Street and resume REGULAR ROUTING. In the event that Arlington Street is unsafe for travel: Utilize Lawrence Street to Park
Street and resume REGULAR ROUTING.

* Route 7 Outbound: From Beacon Street, R-Glenn Street, L-Andover Street and resume REGULAR ROUTING.
Route 7 Inbound: From Andover Street, R-Glenn Street, L-Beacon Street and resume REGULAR ROUTING.

* Route 13: Outbound and Inbound - utilize North Avenue Bypassing Marsh Avenue and resume REGULAR ROUTING.

* Route 15 Outbound: From Emerson Street, bypass Welcome Street. From Emerson Street L-Winter to REGULAR ROUTING. FROM HAVERHILL COMMONS, L- Computer Drive, L- Broadway, R- Rockland, R-Lowell
Avenue, O-Lowell Avenue, L- Into Westgate Plaza.
15 Inbound: From Westgate Plaza, R- Lowell Avenue, L- Rockland, L- Broadway to REGULAR ROUTING. From Winter Street, R-Emerson Street, bypass Welcome Street. Resume REGULAR ROUTING to
Haverhill Transit Center.

* Route 16 Outbound: From Washington Street, proceed to River Street, R-Lowell Avenue, straight on Lowell Avenue, L- Rockland, L- Broadway Street (Route 97), L- Carleton, R- Lowell Avenue
straight on Lowell Avenue, L-into Westgate Plaza.
Route 16 Inbound: REGULAR ROUTING to service the HAVERHILL COMMONS PLAZA (Target). From Haverhill Commons, L- Computer Drive, L- Broadway, R- Carleton, R-Lowell Avenue, straight on Lowell
Avenue, L-River Street to Haverhill Transit Center.

* Route 17 Outbound and Inbound: Bypass NECC. Bypass Locust Street & Middle Street (Merrivillage).

* Route 18: Outbound and Inbound: Bypass Kennedy Circle, utilize Katsaras Drive and resume REGULAR ROUTING. At Groveland housing, circle around the front BEFORE the Entrance and resume REGULAR

* Route 19 Outbound and Inbound: Bypass Anna Jaques Hospital and utilize Toppan’s Lane.

* Route 21 Outbound and Inbound: Bypass Frye Circle and Doctor’s Park. Bypass Railroad, Central and School Streets utilize Main Street (Massachusetts Route 28) over the Bridge to North Main
Street and resume REGULAR ROUTING.

* Route 27 Outbound: From Beacon Street, L – Amherst Street and resume REGULAR ROUTING.

ROUTES 01, 02,08,09,10,11,12,14,20 AND 24 DO NOT HAVE A SNOW DETOURS.


  • Route 4 Outbound: REGULAR ROUTING to Commonwealth Avenue and Marston Street, Straight on Ferry Street, resume REGULAR ROUTING. Depending on Road conditions: BYPASS Ferry Street and utilize marston to Merrimack Street. In the event that Ferry Street is unsafe for travel: R – Marston Street/Merrimack Street at the Commonwealth Avenue and resume REGULAR ROUTING.
  • Inbound: REGULAR ROUTING to Ferry Street, Straight on Commonwealth Avenue resume REGULAR ROUTING.  Depending on Road conditions: BYPASS Ferry Street and utilize Merrimack Street to Marston Street. In the event that Ferry Street is unsafe for travel: L – Marston Street/Merrimack Street, L – commonwealth Avenue and resume REGULAR ROUTING. 